Happening & Plan B

This week we’re talking about the films Happening and Plan B.

Happening is a 2021 French film, directed by Audrey Diwan and shot by Laurent Tangy. The film follows Anne, a student in 1960s France, who must put her hopes for university on hold when she learns that she is pregnant. In an era when abortion is illegal and everyone she turns to is more interested in self preservation, she seeks help wherever she can find it.

Plan B is a 2021 American film, directed by Natalie Morales and shot by Sandra Valde-Hansen. In the film: Sonny, a bookish high school girl in South Dakota, is convinced by her rebellious best friend, Lupe, to throw a party while her mom is out of town. At the party, she has a disappointing first sexual encounter which launches the two girls on the quest to obtain a Plan B pill before the efficacy window closes.

The conversation was recorded weeks prior to the June 24th Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade

Listen on more platforms: https://anchor.fm/split-prism/episodes/Happening--Plan-B-e1kh5f6


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